Monday, November 29, 2010

Make up your mind bitch!

Sooooo..... over the long weekend, I found myself driving from the fiancé's house to head home. (we don't live together yet! LOL) for whatever reason I missed my turn so I had to take a different route through downtown. As I was driving I noticed an area I had never really payed much attention to before. So obviously the next day I had to take Shane over to see what was going on. Well come to find out we have been total idiots all of our cincinnati lives. How did we miss this fantastic newly rehabbed area.
This is what caught me eye...
Ice Cream Daydream! FAN~ FUCKING~ TASTIC!
Obiously I need not say much else.. but smack next to this amazing piece of art is an amazing place...and next to this amazing place is this 2nd amazing piece of art!!!
Seriously! Could this stuff be any more perfect for us? I have been chatting with a person about having our wedding and reception right in this alley and so far I am digging what I am hearing.
I promise we will settle on a venue by the end of the year. That is my goal.
In the mean time, I have ordered fabric for my bouquet. Yes.. I am making that bitch. why? because I make fabric flowers for 1, and 2nd because I just want to make a good portion of the little things. I am all about the DIY.
Plus the Ice Cream Daydream mural is sitting so nicely with me right now. I could feed off of that name for hours! I could base my entire wedding around that piece. Seriously!
Once we get this venue nailed down 100% for sure! Then I can start focusing on all the other details. Until we do have the venue choice complete I am not going to keep blogging venue after venue.. ;)

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