Thursday, October 14, 2010


I'm not going to lie, flowers really did not seem to be an important thing for me. Mostly because I see wedding after wedding and the after the wedding flower throw away. I HATE it. But for some reason today I decided to make a list of the flowers I want to see at my wedding. Not necessarily on the tables or in a bouquet, but somewhere. Well I never thought my list would be a huge as it is. Nor did I know I had an obsession with purple and yellow.. hmm.. learn something new every day. So here is my photo board of the flowers I want.

see what I mean about purple and yellow.. and apparently I like odd shaped ones as well. Whatever, where will I put them all... next question.


  1. I love craspedia. (those little yellow balls) I did a summer wedding where they used those alot and we even used them on the invitation. It was super cool. I love unusually shaped flowers.

  2. I'm a huge fan of flowers, but there are so many other options! One of my favorite options is the "button bouquet" - I LOVE this Etsy shop!!!



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