Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Party!

Ok..... I have not been updating our blog. So what, I have been busy.
 Over the weekend I was happily able to finalize a few new vendors.. One being our DJ. Our DJ is awesome, hands down. I have worked with him a number of times for my own clients weddings. I was his neighbor for awhile when my business was in the wedding mall. Who is it you ask...
Nemar Maize of Maize Music! WOOT! I know Nemar will keep our party happening no matter what. I have never worked a wedding with Nemar when the dance floor has not been packed all night long. Since we are music lovers, it is important that he can play what we want, but also read the crowd. He will also be playing our ceremony music. Once again since we love music.. we want it to be perfect. We will be selecting songs that are important to us, or have a meaning. So to our guests.. you will be subjected to some serious tunes during our ceremony. We will be playing our songs all the way through.. just cuz.

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