Monday, November 29, 2010

Make up your mind bitch!

Sooooo..... over the long weekend, I found myself driving from the fiancé's house to head home. (we don't live together yet! LOL) for whatever reason I missed my turn so I had to take a different route through downtown. As I was driving I noticed an area I had never really payed much attention to before. So obviously the next day I had to take Shane over to see what was going on. Well come to find out we have been total idiots all of our cincinnati lives. How did we miss this fantastic newly rehabbed area.
This is what caught me eye...
Ice Cream Daydream! FAN~ FUCKING~ TASTIC!
Obiously I need not say much else.. but smack next to this amazing piece of art is an amazing place...and next to this amazing place is this 2nd amazing piece of art!!!
Seriously! Could this stuff be any more perfect for us? I have been chatting with a person about having our wedding and reception right in this alley and so far I am digging what I am hearing.
I promise we will settle on a venue by the end of the year. That is my goal.
In the mean time, I have ordered fabric for my bouquet. Yes.. I am making that bitch. why? because I make fabric flowers for 1, and 2nd because I just want to make a good portion of the little things. I am all about the DIY.
Plus the Ice Cream Daydream mural is sitting so nicely with me right now. I could feed off of that name for hours! I could base my entire wedding around that piece. Seriously!
Once we get this venue nailed down 100% for sure! Then I can start focusing on all the other details. Until we do have the venue choice complete I am not going to keep blogging venue after venue.. ;)

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Ahh the smell of things coming together is so rewarding.
I spoke to a very important person/vendor on the tellie this evening. He was so uber excited about our reception plans. (I can not tell because they are that freaking fantastic.) I can say that his enthusiasm was contagious and kind of made me that much more excited. EEKKK!!
Friday we have a cake tasting appointment! HA! This to me seems like the weirdest part of the whole wedding planning. I guess because we are not going to do a big cake, but we do want A cake. Because even though we are going non-traditional we still want a taste of tradition and Shane likes the cake cutting part and so do I. I will also say that maybe I am just cake tasting so we can say we cake tasted..HA! There are a few places that I have yet to even taste, believe it or not. So I feel like in order to offer our guest the best tasting cake we must go taste and I mean we should probably taste every cakery in Cincinnati. Friday we will visit Sweet Water Bake House. I have never had their cake at any wedding I have planned. So we shall see. Plus with the tasting we get to pick the flavors we would like to eat. Yum.
Also we have our stationery woman. Now if I would have been typing this about 2 years ago I would have said staionAry women. She corrected me ever so sweetly. She said stationEry is paper. StationAry is, in place. Duh I am a moron! But I love when people correct me. NO LIE! I take constructive criticism very well and love it! So the lovely Mrs. Amy Owens from Amo-Ink will be working with us to create some freaktastic paper goods. Maybe paper, maybe not. I dunno, but i like where she is going.
I love Amy. She was one of the first official wedding vendors I ever met. When I decided to take my business to the level of actually being a real business, I went to an Association of Bridal Consultants vendor appreciation party. I am not a huge fan of the networking thing so I literally had to talk myself into this the whole way there.  Once inside I saw a few vendors I had worked with prior, but none I really wanted to get to comfortable with. Amy was the one who introduced herself and I instantly loved her genuine personality.
When I decided to take my business out of my house, Amy was the familiar face I saw in the Wedding Mall where I moved. She has a very clean lined modern style, which I love but for me... we are going to work her left brain. I know she will produce some fabulous work. I am sooooo excited to tell her every single detail of what we have planned to date. I have yet to tell anyone and it is KILLING me! Well I take that back, I did tell Miss Nikita Gross of Nikita Gross Photography. By the way, if you are looking for a girl to photograph your wedding, you should talk to her, she is awesome. She was featured on Rock N Roll bride right here. 
So that is all I have tonight. I will leave you with a photo of my wedding planner pussy. She has been with me every step of the way while I search the internet for whatever I am not finding.. lol..

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

keep the bitch in check

I'm not even going to lie. I had a major bitch moment when we were having venue issues. I am pledging to let that be my first and last. I did not like it, and I always say if you can realize you are being a bitch, well than you probably are time a bazillion.

So from here on out anytime I think I may have a "moment" I will look back to this post and realize what is important. Which is going to be all laid out below in a pretty little list..
In no order of importance we have the following important things about our wedding and the planning....

* we will have one bad ass mutha f'n wedding regardless
* i have a Wai-Ching gown being made as i type this! WOOT!
* since i do things ass backwards.. my daughters will be my bridal party and my son will be one of Shane's men and I would not want it any other way.
* we are celebrating with our close friends and family.
* my dad gets to walk me down the aisle, and if he is not feeling up to par in the walking department my son will fill that roll.
* you know how they say there is someone for everyone, well Shane is my someone.
* I have a bad ass mutha f'n photographer!
* actually every vendor I have to date is pretty much amazing.
* I will have an amazing mother in law!

That is the start of my list. I may add more later but it is a good start!

Oh Yeah..

We have a venue.
Not a venue full of asshole, non-responding people either!
A venue full of super cool, excited, artsy, indie, fabulous people! PERFECT!
We will be having one hell of an f'n wedding at the Clifton Cultural Arts Center. That is no lie. Once we went in we knew... we had/have HUGE plans.
It was hard to steal photos from people on the web because not many have taken pics there apparently. So I will have to take some while I am there this weekend for the crafty supermarket.
These are the ones I was able to find and steal .

This place is so fantastic! I could not even imagine having our wedding reception in a venue that is not architecturally amazing.

Well what the hell

Who needs a dress when you can get an ass veil?

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